Caldwell Baptist Association, Inc.
North Carolina

We value the Bible, God's Holy Word, as our source of divine authority.
We value the historical fact that the association was created by and for the churches.
We value and respect the autonomy of each member church.
We value and respect the fellowship among the family of churches.
We value worship, discipleship, evangelism, ministry, missions and fellowship as essential elements in making and maturing Christian disciples.
We value the way maturing Christians benefit the Kingdom of God.
We value and trust the elected messengers from member churches to govern the association under the Lordship of Christ.
We value the opportunity and the responsibility to partner with member churches in fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ in Caldwell County and beyond.
We value our paid and volunteer associational leaders.
We value the support provided by the churches.
We value our autonomous and voluntary relationship of cooperation with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and the Southern Baptist Convention.
We value the privilege of working with churches of other denominations, businesses, as well as social and educational agencies within Caldwell County.
We value the right to exercise Christian citizenship through cooperation with city, county, state and national governments.