Caldwell Baptist Association, Inc.
North Carolina
Ruth Keller Craig Scholarship Fund
Applicants must be men or women who have committed themselves to a full time Christian vocation and who are active members of a Southern Baptist church in the Caldwell Baptist Association. Students who have become members in their college community will be eligible if a church in the association is considered their "home" church.
Application forms will be available at the Caldwell Baptist Center (758-4081) and through the Associational WMU Secretary. You may also access the form by clicking on the Word icon below. Completed forms should be returned to the Caldwell Baptist Association by April 30 and will be submitted to the WMU Ruth Keller Craig Scholarship Team. This team may interview candidates and will approve the awarding of scholarship amount. The maximum amount to be awarded is five hundred dollars annually. Scholarship applicants will be notified if funds have been granted and the amount awarded by June 1. Funding is effective for the next academic term. The scholarship will be sent directly to the applicant's college/institution upon approval.
The scholarship may be renewed annually if the student maintains at least a 2.0 grade point average and the funds are available. It is the responsibility of the recipient to contact the team for renewal. A copy of the recipient's most recent transcript should be included with the application.
In order to perpetuate the fund, an offering will be taken at each Annual Associational WMU Meeting. Memorials and honorariums to this fund will be encouraged. Checks should be made payable to Caldwell Baptist Association and mailed to Caldwell Baptist Association, P.O. Box 1555, Lenoir, NC 28645.