Caldwell Baptist Association, Inc.
North Carolina
A History of Caldwell Baptist Association
It was 12:00 noon on October 22, 1885. A historical meeting was called to order by Elder Isaac Oxford, moderator, in the meeting house of the Rocky Springs Baptist Church in Collettsville.
Representatives, or delegates as they were called, had come from sixteen churches in Caldwell County to attend this special meeting. They had come from Bethany, Conway's Chapel, Flemings Chapel, Globe, John's River, Lower Creek, Mulberry, McCall's Chapel (no longer exists), Mountain Grove, Piney Grove, Pisgah, Rocky Springs, Sardis (now FBC Hudson), Union, Wilson's Creek (now Edgemont) and Yadkin Baptist Churches.
These sixteen churches had a total membership of 900 members. Lower Creek was the largest with 180 members and John's River was the smallest with 15. Most of the churches were members of the Brushy Mountain, Catawba River, and Three Forks Baptist Associations.
There has been much talk in the churches about the need for establishing a Baptist association in Caldwell County. That was the historic reason why these Baptists had assembled in Collettville.
One by one, the names of all sixteen churches were voiced. You can almost hear the proceedings "Bethany Baptist Church" "Mr. Moderator. We bring a membership of 57 people from the Three Forks Association." "Conway's Chapel" "Mr. Moderator. We bring a membership of 61 people from the Catawba River Association." Every name was called and a response was given.
And then it happened. A motion was made, seconded and approved that these churches be constituted as the Caldwell County Baptist Association. Later that day and during the following two days, a constitution and bylaws were approved, committees were formed, officers were elected, and the newly organized Caldwell County Baptist Association was ready for adjournment from its first meeting.
One hundred and thirty-nine years have passed since that monumental gathering in the meeting house of the Rocky Springs Baptist Church. Many things have changed. Delegates are now called Messengers. The sixteen churches with 900 members have now become 72 congregations with a an estimated membership of 20,000 people, the largest association in our region. The name is now Caldwell Baptist Association, Inc.