Caldwell Baptist Association, Inc.
North Carolina
Fast Facts
2022 Statistical Information
Caldwell Baptist Association, Inc.
Churches: 72
Church Members: 19,886*
Baptisms: 169
Sunday School Average Attendance: 2,191
Worship Service Average Attendance: 4,620
VBS Enrollment: 2,553
Baptist Men Enrollment: 263
WMU Enrollment: 819
Women's Ministry: 138
Lottie Moon Offering: $249,026
Annie Armstrong Offering: $144,283
North Carolina Missions Offering: $39,435
Cooperative Program Gifts: $750,282
Total Church Receipts: $12,053,378
Twenty-two churches (31%) did not submit a congregation profile for 2022; therefore, the numbers do not include their information. Membership totals from previous years, for the non-reporting churches, were used in order to better determine the total membership.
*Beginning in 2021 the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina asked that only active members be counted in the total church membership on the church profile. Some churches reported only active members while others still included the total membership; therefore there is a reduction in membership in the 2022 totals.